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    ho to sell through the site eBayWhether you are a huge business owner or just looking to sell things around your home


     أجهزة الكمبيوتر والإلكترونيات

     كيف تبيع على موقع ئي باي

     معلومات الكاتب


     سواء كنت صاحب عمل ضخم أو كنت تبحث فقط عن بيع أشياء حول منزلك ، فإن eBay هو أحد أفضل الخيارات المتاحة للوصول إلى المشترين في مدينتك ومن جميع أنحاء العالم. من السهل جدًا البدء عن طريق إضافة الأشياء التي تريد بيعها على الموقع الذي يستقبل أكثر من 181 مليون زائر. [1]

     جزء 1 من 5:

     الشروع في استخدام الموقع



     دعنا نستكشف الموقع قليلاً. من أجل الوصول إليه ، من خلال محرك البحث المفضل لديك اكتب "eBay". تقوم Ebay بتخصيص موقع الويب الخاص بها وفقًا لدول مختلفة في العالم ، لذا تأكد من أنك تستخدم الموقع الخاص ببلدك. بالنسبة للمستخدمين الأمريكيين ، الرابط هو www.ebay.com.

     تصفح صفحة معلومات البائع على الموقع. [2] يتضمن الكثير من المعلومات الضرورية حول شروط وأحكام البيع من خلال الموقع.

     جرب طرق البحث المختلفة على الموقع ، وتحقق من بعض القوائم والبضائع المدرجة على الموقع. سيساعدك التعرف على كيفية عمل محرك البحث على الموقع على تضمين مبيعاتك بشكل أفضل.

     قم بتغيير نتائج البحث عن طريق تغيير ترتيب الفرز من قائمة "الفرز".

     انتبه لقوائم العناصر التي تظهر أعلى نتائج البحث ، وأيها يحقق أقصى استفادة من الشراء.


     اختر اسمًا جيدًا لحسابك. قد تقدم لك Ebay اسمًا لحسابك الخاص ، ولكن لكي تبيع بشكل أفضل ، تحتاج إلى اختيار اسم يجذب المشترين. تجنب أي اسم غير لائق أو التقليل من قيمة الأشياء التي تبيعها. [3]

     يجب أن يحتوي اسمك على حرفين على الأقل ، وألا يشتمل على رمز بخلاف @ و 'و <و> و &. وسيظهر اسمك بأحرف صغيرة على الموقع.

     لا تسمح Ebay بأسماء مواقع الويب أو البريد الإلكتروني كاسم للمستخدمين ، ولا تسمح باستخدام أي اسم يتضمن كلمة ebay. هذا يمنع إساءة الاستخدام من المستخدمين الذين يرغبون في الإيحاء للمستخدمين بأنهم موظفين رسميين في الموقع ، أو إحالتهم إلى مواقع أخرى أقل موثوقية وأمانًا.

     لا تستخدم أسماء الشركات الخاصة والعلامات التجارية طالما أنها ليست لك.

     أسماء مثل: "iselljunk" أو "chickmagnet69" ليست هي الخيار الأفضل. يبدو أنك عديم الخبرة ولست مصدرًا للثقة لقبول الأعمال التجارية معك ، وهو أمر يصرف انتباه المشترين عن التعامل معك. يتم حظر الأسماء التي تحض على الكراهية أو التعبيرات الخارجية من قبل المشرفين على الموقع.

     نظرًا لوجود الكثير من المستخدمين على الموقع ، فقد تضطر إلى تجربة الكثير من الأسماء من أجل العثور على اسم يناسبك ، وهو متاح على الموقع بنفسه بنفسك. ضع في اعتبارك الكثير من البدائل الممكنة لاسمك على الموقع ، في حالة استخدام اسم المستخدم المفضل لديك بالفعل على الموقع من قبل.

     يمكنك تغيير اسم المستخدم الخاص بك لاحقًا ، ولكن عليك الانتظار 30 يومًا بين كل مرة تقوم فيها بتغيير الاسم. لا ينصح بتغيير هذا الاسم لأنه يحرمك من تكرار عملائك. [4]



     قم بإنشاء حساب عبر الموقع. انتقل إلى الصفحة الرئيسية للموقع وابحث عن كلمة "تسجيل الدخول" بالقرب من أعلى الصفحة. ستحتاج إلى إدخال اسمك وبريد إلكتروني صالح واختيار كلمة مرور تناسبك. ثم سيُطلب منك اختيار اسم مستخدم بعد ذلك.

     سوف ترسل لك Ebay رسالة عبر البريد الإلكتروني المسجل بها. اتبع التعليمات الواردة في هذه الرسالة لتأكيد صحة بريدك الإلكتروني ، ولتفعيل حسابك من خلال الموقع.

     إذا كانت لديك شركة أو علامة تجارية خاصة ، فيمكنك تسجيل حساب تجاري بدلاً من الحساب الشخصي. في صفحة التسجيل ، انقر فوق الارتباط الموجود في أعلى الصفحة الذي يقول "بدء حساب تجاري". سيُطلب منك بعد ذلك كتابة اسم الشركة وبعض معلومات الاتصال الإضافية.


     Set up a payment method.  The site provides you with many payment options to buy and sell, but the most popular of these methods is Paypal.  You have to create an account on Paypal by following the links available on the eBay website or by visiting the following link www.paypal.com.

     The best strategy is to start using PayPal, and after you are more familiar with the process of selling through the site, or when buyers request other means of payment, you use other options available than PayPal.

     You'll need to add your own bank account information, so be prepared for that.

     Ebay accepts payment methods via ProPay and Skrill, credit and debit cards through the sellers' online merchant account or instant payment by interview (in more domestic sales) as well as postpaid.

     You will need to research what other methods are available to buy and sell, and choose the one that works best for you.  It also inspects the terms and rules of payment transactions to find out what Ebay's financial policies allow or reject. [5]


     Build your reputation by purchasing some simple commodities.  One of the most important ways eBay to maintain itself as a safe buy and sell market is to encourage buyers and sellers to evaluate each other.  Buyers check out Seller Ratings, and buying some things is the fastest way to add some positive reviews to your account.

     Buy the things you need, and pay for them promptly, so that you have a good reputation as a buyer.  Don't worry about buying things that you can resell later.  The most important point now is to position yourself within the ebay community and gain a good reputation among users.

     If the buyer does not find ratings and reviews on your own account, he will be concerned that you are an untrustworthy and insecure person to do business with, and therefore will refrain from completing the purchase from you.


     Create your own account page.  You may lose sight of that if you are satisfied with selling some small things, but in order to show yourself as a legitimate and reliable seller, you must add a special picture to your account and enough information to leave a good impression on potential buyers.

     The more valuable the things you sell, the more necessary and imperative to add all the information about you or your company, especially if you are a new seller on the site.

     Users read this information in order to learn more about you, and this is a good opportunity to provide all possible guarantees about you and your business.  You can also explain to users whether you are a collector, a retailer, or a person with knowledge and interest in a certain type of commodity, etc.


     Part 2 of 5:

     Choose what to sell


     Sell ​​what you have enough information about.  It all started with Ebay as a place to cater to hobbyists and collectors, and it came to being an incredibly awesome place to show off the goods and specials you want to sell.  If you are gifted at finding great deals or rare items in a particular category, you should specialize in the category about which you know the most information.


     Determine what you cannot sell.  Certainly, it is not allowed to display illegal and dangerous goods such as human body parts, live animals, drugs and illegal services.  Other items are acceptable for sale, but few have been placed on them, such as those in the "adults only" category.  You should check the terms and conditions of the site to find out which goods are prohibited or classified specifically classified restricted. [6] Violation of these laws may expose your account to closure or a permanent ban.


     Reduce your risk by selling the commodity you have under your hands, or start small.  If you are not sure what to sell, it is risky to buy and store a large amount of a certain commodity without making a few sales to test the market first.  Add small and simple items at the start to gain experience about what is being sold and what the marketplace is involved in.

     You can start by selling things around the house that you no longer need, or by bringing a few goods and trying to sell through them. Will you sell and find a buyer for them, or is it better to stop trying and keep them for yourself.

     It's imperative that you experiment before you get stuck in a lot of merchandise.  It is also possible that you will not find an opportunity to sell with sufficient excess profit to achieve the desired profit.  Slow down or you will end up possessing a lot of goods that you cannot manage.

     If you have leftover merchandise from your other businesses, use it in the trial process!  Doing some initial sales can help you gain experience and see which items sell best on Ebay.



     Consider where you will get the goods you are selling.  The quality of what you sell depends on the quality of your source in getting the goods to sell.  From which do you import your goods?  It will take a lot of effort and time from you in order to provide a source for your goods sold, so it is imperative that you work to find a convenient and suitable way of supplying for you.

     Ebay itself can be a source of many good deals. Look for things that are undervalued, poorly presented, or with the wrong headlines.

     Thrift stores and garages are good places to supply your wares.  Just keep in mind that you do not have the right to return purchases from these places, so you may end up with unsold goods.

     Discount stores and outlets may have great deals, and they often include a return policy that you can take advantage of if you are not able to sell what you bought.



     The time used to add your item to your for sale list.  You have to take a clear picture, write a good description, and choose the shipping method for each item.  This takes a lot of time, so it's best to sell items that are similar, easy to photograph and describe.

     Try to find items in large quantities or have the same specifications.  This way, you will be able to create yourself listing templates that modify a bit of information at a time, or even include the same information for multiple identical items.

     Find items that are easy to photograph and describe.  Famous things need less description because most people know everything about them by just seeing them.

     Find items that are easy to ship, so you can package and send quickly and save money on shipping.



     Consider shipping and storage.  Heavy and bulky items can be difficult to profit from, as they are expensive to ship and require a lot of storage space.

     Buyer researches the full cost of the item, freight for sure.  Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the shipping cost when considering whether or not the item will be sold at a reasonable price.

     Space occupied by goods is also important.  Working from home can reduce a lot of problems on your shoulders, but if the goods take over the space you live in, you will feel bored of it.  Do you have a private room for storing your products and another room for wrapping, packing and storing the sold goods?



     How long will it take to sell your inventory?  What is your maximum capacity for waiting and patience?  Be aware that the trending items may end up in the market in a moment, leaving you with nothing but old, useless goods.  Also, some commodities require patience for the appropriate time for potential buyers to appear, and for them to reach you in their searches for a seller of those goods.



     Know what's trending.  Of course, the more popular an item is, the more users search for it and pay for it.  So the selling process requires the talent of intuition on the part of the sellers, so that they have discretion in choosing what to sell.  EBay also provides some tools for accurately identifying the most in-demand items.

     Check out the trending items page on the site.

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    An Introduction To Drop Shipping The Easy Way To Start An Ebay Business

    he term 'Outsourcing' has become a well known technique for selling products on eBay. This technique permits the merchant on eBay to offer products without the need to have a stock or the need to transport the merchandise. Numerous organizations additionally permit the client to buy their merchandise and afterward have them daze outsource the item to the triumphant bidder. The organization utilizes the eBay dealer's name or organization subtleties as the return address to cause it to create the impression that the thing really came from them and not the genuine merchandise provider. The genuine provider will in any case, handle the bundling, the delivery, and any arrival of things. 

    It is exceptionally simple to begin an outsourcing business on eBay. You don't have to make any colossal ventures when beginning your ebay outsourcing business and your underlying costs will be insignificant. Recall that this is a virtual business and needn't bother with substantial startup costs, dissimilar to a disconnected business that can costly to begin. 

    Outsourcing has acquired in prevalence since you don't need to pay for and stock the forthright. When the purchaser makes the installment, the request is shipped off the drop transporter and they complete the method including sending the following number for the shipment, which is then sent to the purchaser – You don't pay until you have sold the thing! This strategy guarantees that you bring in cash and the dangers are limited for the dealers. 

    In any case, ensure that you find authentic drop transporters to work with and keep away from the "mediators" that can cause issues with delivery and your benefits. Avoid outsource guides that simply list organizations and addresses. These aides do not have any substance and, in the event that you need to discover "mediators" you won't have to look any further. A decent hotspot for tracking down your optimal outsource organization is at alibaba.com. 

    Ebay is the greatest web based business entry on the planet today and is giving a vocation to a huge number of individuals around the world. As indicated by an overview by AC Nielsen in 2005, 724,000 Americans have affirmed that their work relies upon their bartering ebay site store. Aside from this number, at any rate another 1.5 million individuals have said that they make an additional pay by selling their items on e-straight. A year ago 150 million enlisted clients sold their items on eBay and exchanges added up to more than

     $34 billion. This makes e-sound the greatest online commercial center around the world. 

    You needn't bother with any unique abilities for beginning an outsourcing business on eBay and in spite of the fact that there are sure items that you can't sell on a closeout ebay internet shopping store, you can sell practically whatever else and remember that you will have a current information base of more than 150 million clients to offer your item to. You will nonetheless, need to deliberately evaluate the upsides and downsides to guarantee a positive outcome, read however much you can regarding the matter and gain from those that know. A decent asset can be found here. 

    Ebay gets somewhere near 1.5 billion page surveys each month. You can envision hence the sort of traffic that can visit your sale ebay site store – simply make certain to look at what is selling and what isn't before you begin and simply recollect this, a brief period and exertion is everything necessary to begin and after that simply pause for a minute and watch the offering. Indeed, even while you are dozing, on vacation or doing whatever else, ebay is as yet working for you, day and night.

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    Get A 6 Figure Book Advance Do you dream of being a successful writer then you are in the right place

    Do you dream of being a successful writer then you are in the right place

    It's the fantasy of 81% of the populace to compose a book. Regardless of how frequently individuals reveal to you that it is so hard to do, almost everybody needs to do it. There hangs a specific sentiment around authors. I believe it's a sort of sentimentality or lamenting for some failed to remember part of ourselves. We long to get back to where enchantment and creative mind are adored. 

    Others may simply need the snappy magnificence or quick buck they partner with being a creator. Be that as it may, anything you desire, getting a 6-figure book advance is conceivable in the event that you have the expertise, drive and skill. Here are five hints to kick you off on accomplishing the fantasy about turning into a generously compensated, regarded creator. 

    1. Know the Industry 

    Teach yourself on how the distributing business functions. Dissimilar to the past times when distributers were hoping to develop long haul associations with writers who might be in their steady, today their first concern is simply to sell books.

    At the point when I was going in Mexico this year I met a lady whose spouse has been a top rated creator for a very long time in England. He has had similar specialist and distributer for those equivalent twenty years. Each opportunity he came out with another book his distributers anticipated that it should be "number one" on what might be compared to the New York Times blockbuster list. They worked with him to make it so. In America the reality is best. You should have the option to validate your case that your book will take off the racks, with no assistance from the distributer. 

    2. Demonstrate There is a Market for Your Book 

    In this day and age you need to show that your book will offer to one enormous crowd, or numerous more modest specialty crowds. Measure every crowd with insights that show that they purchase books regarding that matter. It's insufficient to say that this crowd would be keen on your subject. You should have the option to demonstrate undeniably with your well-informed realities that your perusers are a *book buying* crowd. 

    3. Build up a Platform 

    This is the main part of your proposition after you've demonstrated that there is a squeezing need for your book and that book purchasing crowds will scoop it up. A stage is essentially YOUR capacity to offer books to the crowd that you have said will purchase from you. 

    It's about the numbers. What number of individuals are on your e-zine list? What number of individuals do you address each month? What number of individuals purchase your items and administrations now? Do you have large name partnerships or associations that will purchase your books in mass? Do you have a normal segment, or compose for distributions? Is it true that you are much of the time found in the media? In the event that you don't have an amazing stage you don't get a 6-figure advance. 

    4. Guide out a Marketing Plan to Promote Your Book. 

    Your arrangement ought to incorporate everything from talking commitment, web based showcasing, permitting, and media positions. It should be practical and do-capable. At the end of the day you can't say that you'll address associations of 1000 individuals or more on the off chance that you've never done it. 

    What do distributers disdain most? 

    At the point when you say that you're ideal for Oprah. Except if you've effectively been a visitor and taped the show if it's not too much trouble, NEVER say this on the off chance that you don't need your standing in a flash tarnished. 

    Rather show how you will expand on your past exposure. In the event that hosts or makers say that they need you back for another section since you did a great job the first run through, say it. However, in the event that you haven't done much media to date, don't worry. 

    You can start today and get a considerable number of profiles, highlights, and remarks in the media in a couple of months by joining PRLeads,a administration which conveys correspondents inquiries (the narratives they need specialists for) every day to your email box. 

    5. Get Endorsements 

    Enormous names sell items amazingly. Getting known names of superstars, smash hit creators, entertainers, competitors, notable specialists in your field, media characters, any renowned name that has sparkle gives you the sort of believability that can't be purchased. 

    One of my customers, who got various New York Times smash hit writers to expound on him, gotten three things done with his supports. Every individual who expounded on him recounted an alternate anecdote regarding why he would be a triumphant creator. The first praised him as an exceptionally fruitful expert. The second expressed that my customer's book filled a hole that her book neglected to address. The third shown that individuals my customer was attempting to reach were an eager book purchasing market hungry for his sort of book-as they had purchased hers. 

    These significant supports adequately assisted him with getting his 6-figure advance. (What's more, he got media instructed by me before he met the editors at the enormous New York Publishing houses who at that point offer on his book at closeout). 

    Don't simply get supports saying you're marvelous. Cause your supports to carry out twofold responsibility by assisting you with demonstrating is a market and that you're the one they need to purchase from. This is the kind of data that makes you stand apart from the other 150,000 creators who are distributed each year, the vast majority of whom never procure back their development. Try not to be one of them. All things being equal, follow this exhortation and you'll be well headed to acquiring a 6 figure book advance. Best of luck!

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    Forex Currency Trading productive dealer by applying a portion of the more basic forex cash exchanging rules reliably with a fitting measure of control. There are not many rules that can assist with livening up your odds of achievement in the event that they are perceived, drilled, and carried out in your exchanging consistently and


    You can form into a superior and more productive dealer by applying a portion of the more basic forex cash exchanging rules reliably with a fitting measure of control. There are not many rules that can assist with livening up your odds of achievement in the event that they are perceived, drilled, and carried out in your exchanging consistently and these standards have been learned down and dirty, generally through testing and examining the regular missteps essentially every broker makes when beginning in the forex cash exchanging business. The initial step is to set up and apply explicit objectives and destinations. 

    Most of forex dealers who regularly end up on the losing end of an exchange commit similar normal and repeating errors. Most forex brokers don't have an unmistakable heading, never set aside the effort to build up a sound strategy and do not have a formal composed system for setting up a thoroughly examined plan. In forex cash exchanging, the essential objective is obviously to bring in cash, yet it's imperative to have objectives that are not carefully cash related too. Your own goals and aspirations ought to be unmistakable and quantifiable to you, however they ought to incorporate the qualities that are required for the exchanging. 

    Having an obvious thought of what you need to achieve in your exchanging and the exact time period you need to accomplish it, put forth your attempts more engaged. To set up a history of winning exchanges, you need to create discipline and an individual forex money exchanging framework that bodes well for you. The spread commonly alluded to as the offer/ask spread is the thing that merchants charge rather commission expenses. Forex dealers are commonly connected with huge banks because of the huge measure of capital that is needed to work in the forex market. Influence is a proportion of complete capital accessible to real capital which is the measure of cash a merchant will loan you for exchanging. At long last you should choose an exchanging account that accommodates your spending plan. 

    Essential Forex exchanging procedure starts with central and specialized examination. Principal investigation is basically used to expect and better see long haul patterns in the money market. Specialized examination is broadly used to look at the forex on the grounds that it distinguishes and gauges supported patterns. Fruitful merchants utilize a mix to make more exact expectations. When you have the information on how the forex cash exchanging functions open a demo record and paper exchange to rehearse until you have the stuff to make a predictable benefit. It's imperative to require some investment to assemble, test and carry out a sound exchanging plan before you put capital in danger.

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